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Using Signs to Boost Retail Sales

Store owners and managers often wonder why the new signs that they put up have not resulted in the increase in sales that they expected. They look around their establishments and see big signs everywhere giving customers tons of information. That may be the problem – the excess of uncoordinated information leads to clutter, loss of customer focus and attention fatigue. So the intent to buy does not translate into actual purchase. Signs are still the most effective selling tool in the brick and mortar retail trade, but they have to be used in the right way. When using signs to improve retail sales, keep these factors in mind:



Whatever the type of sign or the purpose, one common thread should run through them all – branding. The images, fonts and colors should all work to increase awareness of the store and what it offers customers. Brand recall is not only for large corporates – it is important to every store that wants its customers to keep coming back.



Attracting attention serves two purposes. It informs the customer of something he did not know before – such as an upgraded or new product. Being reminded that a product is available may trigger the recall of the need to buy which had been forgotten.



Discounts, special offers and other product promotions can be very tempting, but customers need to be informed of them and not just in general terms. Customers need to be reminded  that the special offer is right there, just a few steps away. This will capture their interest and bring them in contact with the product which is the basis of a sale.



Using signs, typically easily changeable digital ones, to provide customers with information that may not be directly sales related but is of interest to them can build loyalty. For example, a sign announcing that the store has been around for ten years will create a bond with a customer who has been shopping there for even a year or two.


Quality Signs = Quality Sales

As important as what a sign conveys is how it does so. The sign must catch the attention of the shopper, give him (in the second or two that he looks at it) enough information to make him want to know more and be such that it stays in his memory so that he can follow up on the interest that has been created.The different signs in a store must all work together towards a single purpose – providing customers with the inputs that they need to make purchase decisions. To create effective signs requires a combination of skill, experience, artistic ability, technology and an in-depth understanding of how signs work. If all these attributes are present, the money spent on signage will more than pay for itself and the pick up in sales will be tangible. The only way to ensure that the signs you use are going to do what you expect of them is to have the signs conceptualized, designed and made by a professional signage company.