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Using Signs to Increase Sales

As every owner of a business or retail establishment knows, appearances are a critical factor in bringing in customers. Nowhere is this more important than in the design and placement of signs. Using the right type of sign at the right location can make a huge difference in the number of people who come to you as potential customers. Keep the following guidelines in mind when planning your signage.

· First Impressions Are Very Important. You may have an online presence and may have also used local newspapers and flyers to publicize your business. That may have created some awareness but according to various studies, it is when people see the sign at the place of business that they relate the publicity they have come across to an actual business that may be of interest or use to them. An attractive sign that draws attention will reinforce this effect.

· Window Displays Need Signs. Window displays are a great way to draw in customers. Appealing food, special offers, new products, etc. can all be displayed in windows. While the objects capture the eye, the mind of the customer still wants to know what he is looking at and what makes it of interest to him or her. This information is most effectively conveyed by the signs in the windows.

· Place Signs Where the People Are. Portable street signs that are placed on the sidewalk force people to notice them because they have to walk around the sign. From bars telling passers-by about happy hours and cafes advertising their special of the day to shops informing people about a flash sale, street signs always attract attention.

· Build Your Brand. Whatever the nature of your business, you need to establish a brand and differentiate it from the competition. To do this you need to define the colors, fonts and images or designs that will be associated with your business and use these on your signage. Over time these colors, designs and images will be associated with your business and give it an identity that is different from your neighbors or the competition.

· Provide Inside Information. Getting people into your establishment is not enough. They need to know where to go to find what they need. Indoor signage tells customers where they need to look for what they want to buy. The easier finding a product is, the more likely the customer is to buy it.

· Get People Hungry. An attractive sign, with appealing food images, in a self-service restaurant will trigger or increase latent hunger pangs in customers and prompt them to order items that they would not otherwise eat. If they like it, this is where they will automatically return the next time the craving hits them.

The Best Results Come from the Best Signs

Creating effective signage requires an understanding of how signs work, the ability to design them in a way the captures attention and conveys information simultaneously, knowing what type of sign will work best for a specific application and the expertise to fabricate them to the required quality. A professional signage company will work with you to create the signs that will work best for you in terms of bringing in customers, establishing your brand and improving your profit.