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Using Signs to Increase Sales

As every owner of a business or retail establishment knows, appearances are a critical factor in bringing in customers. Nowhere is this more important than in the design and placement of signs. Using the right type of sign at the right location can make a huge difference in the number of people who come to you as potential customers. Keep the following guidelines in mind when planning your signage.


· First Impressions Are Very Important. You may have an online presence and may have also used local newspapers and flyers to publicize your business. That may have created some awareness but according to various studies, it is when people see the sign at the place of business that they relate the publicity they have come across to an actual business that may be of interest or use to them. An attractive sign that draws attention will reinforce this effect.

· Window Displays Need Signs. Window displays are a great way to draw in customers. Appealing food, special offers, new products, etc. can all be displayed in windows. While the objects capture the eye, the mind of the customer still wants to know what he is looking at and what makes it of interest to him or her. This information is most effectively conveyed by the signs in the windows.

· Place Signs Where the People Are. Portable street signs that are placed on the sidewalk force people to notice them because they have to walk around the sign. From bars telling passers-by about happy hours and cafes advertising their special of the day to shops informing people about a flash sale, street signs always attract attention.

· Build Your Brand. Whatever the nature of your business, you need to establish a brand and differentiate it from the competition. To do this you need to define the colors, fonts and images or designs that will be associated with your business and use these on your signage. Over time these colors, designs and images will be associated with your business and give it an identity that is different from your neighbors or the competition.

· Provide Inside Information. Getting people into your establishment is not enough. They need to know where to go to find what they need. Indoor signage tells customers where they need to look for what they want to buy. The easier finding a product is, the more likely the customer is to buy it.

· Get People Hungry. An attractive sign, with appealing food images, in a self-service restaurant will trigger or increase latent hunger pangs in customers and prompt them to order items that they would not otherwise eat. If they like it, this is where they will automatically return the next time the craving hits them.

The Best Results Come from the Best Signs

Creating effective signage requires an understanding of how signs work, the ability to design them in a way the captures attention and conveys information simultaneously, knowing what type of sign will work best for a specific application and the expertise to fabricate them to the required quality. A professional signage company will work with you to create the signs that will work best for you in terms of bringing in customers, establishing your brand and improving your profit.

Signs - The Great Retail Promotion Tool

Everyone knows what signs are – we see them on the side of the road, on buildings, in shops and just about everywhere we go. Without signs, life would indeed be difficult – we would not know how to find our way from one place to another, we would not know where we are and often, we would not even know what we are looking at. And of course, when it comes to shopping without signs, we would have to spend a lot more time looking for the things we want to buy. While we do realize how useful signs are in giving us the information we need to make purchases, we do not realize how they impact our decision-making process. For business owners and retail establishments, understanding how signs affect consumer behavior is a powerful tool in bringing in customers.


The Research

The International Sign Association is the apex body of the signage industry. It does a lot of research into all aspects of signage. One area of particular interest for the retail industry is on how signs affect purchase decisions.

· 29% of American consumers say that they go into new and unfamiliar stores based on the quality and appeal of the store’s signage. Having almost one-third of new footfalls come in because of the signs a store has is huge. Even more interesting is the fact that over 50% of the 18 to 24-year-old demographic say that they enter new stores because of the signs they see. Few, if any types of publicity media offer this kind of return on investment.

- Almost 35% of American consumers report that they make assumptions about the quality of products based on the clarity and appeal of signs. While TV advertisements may also influence consumer assumptions about quality, the viewer is at home when he sees it and by the time he is in proximity of a store, the impact of the publicity has usually faded away. In the case of a sign, the consumer is already on his feet away from home and is therefore far more likely to act on the desire to learn more and make a purchase decision on the spot. A comparison of the cost of a 20 second TV advertisement and the costliest of sophisticated digital signs will make it clear that signs are the most cost-effective way of bringing in customers.

- Research shows that while TV is the most popular source of retail and product information, signs come in a close second while the internet, radio and newspapers come in third place.

- On the negative side, almost half of American consumers say that they have skipped a planned visit to a specific store because they were unable to find a sign that marked their planned destination. In many cases, the sign was too small or not clear enough.

Quality Signs = Quality Business

There is a great deal of specialized knowledge that goes into making effective signage. The right content, colors, fonts, type of sign and location all play a part in making a sign that evokes consumer interest. Only a professional signage company will have the expertise, materials and equipment to create signs that produce profits.

The Purpose of Signage

Signs are a part of everyday life. We use them in relation to our work or business and we see them nearly everywhere around us. In fact, signs are so all-pervasive and a part of every aspect of our lives that we do not appreciate the role that they play in providing us with the information that makes our life easier. If you are a retail establishment or a business owner, you need to realize that signs are an important part of your business and they play a crucial role in your success. Have you thought about the purpose of the signs that you are displaying and whether you are using them in the right way? To get you started, here is a brief summary of what signs can do for you.


The Uses of Signs

The first thing to understand: What is a sign? The answer to this could be long and complex, but a simple one will suffice. A sign is an object that contains words and/or images and conveys a message or information. Its uses include:

Advertising & Marketing: What your business has to offer customers, what makes the products or services stand out, why people should choose to come to you to learn more and why yours is the best place to buy from are among the many core pieces of information you need to convey quickly and persuasively to your market. Well-designed advertising and marketing signs are the best way to do this.

Generating Footfalls: From getting a potential customer into your establishment to the actual point of sale is often just a distance of a few feet, but as every seller knows, that can be the biggest gap to bridge. Well placed signs that draw the customer in are the best way to bring him from the doorway to the selling point.

Brand/Business Recognition: The ability to recall is a key factor in creating customer loyalty. When a customer realizes that he is in need of something, it is this factor that will direct him to your place of business to acquire it. Previous purchase experiences will influence this, but the starting point is that your business or brand is linked to the fulfillment of the need and this is achieved by keeping your market profile high. Brand and business signs are the right way to do this.

Be a Resource: Not every sign needs to be directly related to sales. If your business puts up signs that provide direction, health or safety information to passersby, you will be perceived as being civic-minded. A business with a positive reputation of this kind will automatically rank high on customers’ preference lists.

Appearance: A sign that has nothing to do with business can be good for business too. A sign that is artistic and pleasing to the eye, but is not business-related, will remain etched in memory. The fact that your business paid for it will enhance your profile in the community and that will, in many indirect ways, pay for itself.

Signs, when designed, fabricated and located properly, can have a huge positive impact on the profitability of the business. Signage technology is evolving and being aware of what is available and knowing how to apply signage will influence business growth. If you are interested in maximizing the business benefits that come with the right use of signage, contact a professional signage company.

Getting The Right Signage for Your Business

Whether you are an established business that has been around for decades or a new business that is just in the process of establishing itself, the first thing you would need to attract customers to your office is signage. This speaks volumes about your business at first glance. Bystanders and passers by will immediately take notice if you have catchy or elegant looking signage. Your prospective customers get a sense of pride walking into an office where the signage outside spells success. 


Types of Signs

There are several ways to brand your business. The signage industry has gone through significant innovation in materials, offering options for all budgets. Depending on the type of business you run here are a few options to keep in mind:

Window Decals

If your business has a lot of windows to the outside world, then this is a must-have. Decals make good use of your windows by applying a simple sticker material. It makes for great visuals and will ensure your premise is not missed by any customer or passerby.

Digital Signage

While you can have a traditional board and poster signage printed on acrylic to highlight the space above the doorway of your business, you can add a digital signage below it. Digital signages allow you to share easy updates or unique messages on a real-time basis. This makes it interactive for visitors and prospective customers.


These can be used all year round and can hold up larger standing banners. Their weighted bases allow them to withstand wind and extreme changes in weather and are easy to move around if you want to rush them indoors.

Vehicular Graphics

These can be all year round, as a lot of bright and eye-catching wraps on vehicles. They are easy to get done, relatively moderate on the pocket, offer mobile branding and are certain to raise a few eyebrows.


Given the durability and ease of use of vinyl, it is always one of the best choices. It can withstand extreme heat, rain and cold and hence is ideal all year round as well. It is relatively easy on the pocket as well.


A-frames or pavement signs can adorn your patio, sidewalk or be kept at your door. Depending on your ad or campaign, you have multiple shapes and sizes to choose from.

Materials used in signage

There are several options that exists in the market today. Some of the more common materials are wood, metal, acrylic and glass. Wood and metal generally are more long term and maintenance free. With an all-weather quote of polish on wood, it will last a lifetime. Metal comes in various shapes and forms and with powder coating, color options exist to liven a space up. Acrylic and glass may require a little bit more care from a cleaning standpoint to keep them looking new.


Several signage options exist in the market today. Depending on the budget, type of business and location, a good mix of signage can be extremely beneficial.

Interior Signage To Improve Your Brand Image

When it comes to signage, a lot of emphasis is generally given to exterior signage and branding. A key aspect in extending this brand recall memory and imagery, is the use of interior signage. Interior signs are a great extension of your brand and can do wonders to further add value to your company’s products or services.


Interior signage options to increase brand visibility:

Floor graphics

Adding floor graphics to your stairs and hallways can do wonders to spruce up dull areas and add life and color to your space. You can use them to reinforce key messages or simply just as directional signs. The power of high-quality floor graphics and creatives is under-rated.

Wall murals

In case you like to add a famous quote, inspirational words or even wish to communicate key messages about your brand, wall murals can be extremely engaging for customers who visit your space. Transform the area with soothing images to create a warm atmosphere within the office space.

Table graphics

Every office space and storage facility has tables. These are great opportunities for you to showcase your brand and keep reinforcing your message. They also add life to otherwise dull tables and uniquely differentiate them from the others. Watch, as you start seeing Instagram posts of your tables! They also help identify specific areas of the office with tables, which can be personalized as required.

Window graphics

Window graphics can be used, to extend branding to the exterior décor and can have a practical use in blocking the sun, or areas which you do not want to be visible to outsiders. Displaying contact information and exhibiting product or service photographs in action ,can make your business look more appealing.

Glass graphics

The use of graphics on the glasses within the office offers you a lot of area to work with. Most office spaces or facilities have a lot of glass partitions which can be covered with graphics to showcase the brand or messages. They not only offer privacy but also make the space lively in the process.

Which interior signage works best for you?

So how do you go about choosing the best interior graphics for your space? Well the answer to the simple question, “What does my space mostly consist of? ” will help you . If you have more of solid walls than glass partitions, then wall graphics or wall murals might look impressive. Do you have a lot of open floor space or staircases within your facility? If yes, then floor graphics definitely should be  considered to make the space look cheerful.


Several options exist for interior branding and you need to understand the space available, in order to decide which form of interior branding you want. Think a bit about what makes up most of your space and then work towards filling them with engaging and lively interior branding.

Boost Your Sales with Large Format Digital Printing Products

Marketing departments continue to face new challenges even in the age of digital advances and automation. According to the 2017 State of Inbound Report, some of the top challenges included identifying the right technology for marketing needs. This is quite significant as technology is a great enabler in the hands of marketers. 

Consider printing for example. Offset and other types of printing technology are laborious, cumbersome and time-consuming; they slowed down the pace of campaigns, until the advent of large format digital printing in 1991.

What is large format digital printing?

Large format digital printers are much larger computer-controlled printing machines; they use much larger print rolls, the width of which can range between 18” and 100”. No plates or cylinders are involved in the printing process. The technology is generally inkjet, where nozzles fire jets of ink directly on to the large-sized print roll fed into the printer. 

Why is it so popular?

Business organizations rely hugely on large format printing today, as it’s a great combination of low-cost, quick turnaround and high quality printing.

  • Affordability: Other forms of printing such as lithography and offset require first templates that use film plates, photo chemicals and lots of ink; no wonder they cost more. In contrast, digital printing requires no such preparation; printing is done directly and instantly and so it is affordable.
  • Flexibility: Since the data for printing is created and stored digitally, it’s easy to make quickly design changes and enhancements in real time and with minimum effort, allowing multiple designs to be printed in every batch.
  • Consistency: Other types of printing such as screen and offset show variations between one print to another; this is due to dependency on hardware. On the other hand, digital printing software controls these parameters effectively, and hence prints are consistent throughout.
  • Variety: Digital printers use water-based inks or UV curable screen printing inks. The latter allows printing on any surface or material such as paper, glass, wood, vinyl or sintra.
  • Speed: There is no need for any preparation or prior setup and all processes are digital. Thus, large format digital printers can output 5x4 or larger prints than other print technologies, making it possible for the entire printing job to be completed the same day.
  • Eye-catching: Large format banners and posters used in billboards or hoardings are terribly eye-catching; they bring more conversions than print media content, making them ideal for advertising.
  • Long-lasting: Thanks to the quality of inks used in large format digital printing, banners, posters and billboards printed this way can last for months or even a year, braving the elements without any deterioration in quality.
  • Eco-friendly: Other forms of printing require printing to be done in bulk. This is wasteful and toxic to the environment as the unused prints are dumped as trash. In contrast, digital printing requires no preparation, and so prints can be taken as and when needed.

Large format digital print products

The following are popular large format digital print products:

  • Vinyl Sign Banners
  • Custom Printed Signs
  • Posters (cloth/paper/vinyl)
  • Booth Graphics
  • Printed Stickers
  • Retail Graphics
  • Hoardings and billboards
  • Backlit Signs
  • Stretched, fine art Canvas Prints
  • Floor Graphics
  • Canvas Prints
  • Wall Paper
  • Building wraps
  • Printed Table Cloths

Large format digital prints are what you may need to boost your sagging sales. It is best to engage a reputed professional agency, which will do a good job and record impressive returns from your outdoor campaigns.

Illuminated Signs for Business

In the world of business, companies that attract the most consumers survive and grow while the others struggle and ultimately fail. Hence, a big chunk of the time and money has to be spent on advertising. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of the total income can be allotted for attracting customers. So the question is- how can companies make the best use of their available advertising money?

Illuminated signs for your marketing needs:

If your business is not as big as Adidas or Nike, then money is as limited as your options. Television, magazine, and full page newspaper advertising is likely to be out of the realm of possibility, at least during the initial years. Illuminated signs, in such situations, are a great solution for attracting consumers. These graphics are back-lit to make the message more obvious and can be created in any size or shape. Businesses can also go for individual letter signs that spell the company’s name on the building’s side. This is one investment that can last for several years, making it highly cost-effective. Another advantage of these signs is that they are light weight. Hence, can be suspended and moved from one location to another with ease. Additionally, the messages can also be replaced without having to buy a new sign all together.

What to look for when designing illuminate signs:

If you’re planning to invest in new illuminated signs to market your business, it is very important to get them created by a professional. These signs are highly effective in attracting new customers, and the more time you spend in looking into some of the different providers that offer such work in your area the better. Listed below are 3 must know facts that all buyers should be aware of before investing in one of these items.


The fonts, design and the colors used for creating illuminated signs will affect the final result drastically. When created properly, these graphics can look professional and elegant. However, when created badly the signs can look tacky. Therefore, during the stage of designing, make sure you are very specific with the fonts, colors, design and images of the chosen signage.

Shapes and sizes:

Illuminated signs or light box signs are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. One of the most common signs is the LED signs made out of aluminum back tray with fluorescent or LED lighting. They also feature face panels created with acrylic materials or flexible flexi face system. One of the benefits of using flexi face systems is that they permit any sized area to be shown with the use of a single metal piece.

Go for quality:

Illuminated signs are available in several different qualities. When buying LED signs it’s a good idea to go for the best quality. The main reason is that good quality graphics are durable which means they will last longer. Secondly, good quality signs will look more elegant and will attract the right kind of crowd. Contact SignMySigns for more information and to get a quote.

Bottom line is, to attract consumers economically and with class, there is no better way than illuminated signs. Moreover, if you want to direct clientele inside the store to the higher profit areas then consider illuminated signs to be the right medium for the job. It is by far the best affordable advertising you can have, next to word of mouth.


Brand Marketing

Right now, the economy and market are tougher and more competitive than ever. With so many options, you have to be able to ensure that your company and brand stands out above the rest when customers are choosing where to take their business. Consumers are going to be conducting research on all aspects of your business and even if no one has time to investigate every single business thoroughly. This is where brand marketing becomes vital and powerful tool. Establishing your brand will inform your customers in moments of your reputation and integrity, thus passing on to your products or services. Through brand marketing, even the very mention of your brand or the sight of your logo will surface your customer’s perception and/or experiences with your company, regardless of it is positive or negative.

Billboard Advertising

Many small business owners and corporate powerhouses alike have a misconception of what “branding” is. It far supersedes just the products (i.e. “brand name” clothing) a business may provide. Your brand is your identity: who you are, what you do, what level of quality you provide, your reputation, and every other facet that could possibly be used to judge your company by the general public. Every purchase or interaction with a customer contributes to their perception of your brand, whether it is the purchase of a supermarket’s “generic” brand of Cheerios or the real deal.

Brand Advertising

Brand marketing is most efficient and effective in creating repetitive business with returning customers. Customers who have had previous experience with your brand will be able to draw on their past experience as a guiding hand in future purchases since they have a general image of what your business is all about. For example, any parent who might be looking for a family friendly movie can safely rely on any Disney movie to be appropriate and entertaining for the entire family due to previous experiences and their exposure to the Disney brand. Many can safely agree. Brand marketing allows for you to be the forerunner in the market for returning customers since they already know the aforementioned aspects of business without having to do extensive research.

The only way to build an effective brand campaign is to establish and share a reputation with the consumer population. You will have to convey what your company does or sells and the quality in which you do it, all wrapped up in a way of that will instantly come to the forefront of the consumer’s mind instantly. One way of conjuring the connection in moments is through a sign, banner or slogan that will appear on everything that your company owns and sells, whether it ranges from an email to product packaging. This way whenever a customer sees this sign or slogan, it will automatically connect with their knowledge of your reputation. By establishing a brand, signage and other traditional forms of media become even more popular.

Above all, when you are pursuing a brand campaign, product and service quality is of high priority. This is because a customer’s perceived reputation of the company comes from their experience. Therefore, any lack in quality will remain ingrained in the consumer’s mind until is overridden by the contrary feelings. You must extend quality not only to your products, but the service by your employees and every other aspect of the customer’s experience in order to enhance public perception of your company and your developing brand.

When pursuing brand marketing, it is important to establish your goals and aspirations for your brand. Your brand is representative of what your company does, who you are, and your intrinsic personality. Do you want to be rugged? Sophisticated? State-of-the-art? You must make these decisions prior to exposing customers to your company. Your brand consists of your purpose, your values, and your culture. Why do you do what you do? What does your company pride itself on -- integrity, craftsmanship, family? How do your employees like working for you? This often times places a crucial role in branding. Note that you do not have ultimate control of your brand. While you may set out to be perceived this way, the public may perceive you differently and that will be your “brand” since branding lies in the hand of the perceiver not the communicator. Think of branding as an individual who is shaping who they are. Your brand is who you are. While brand marketing is simply portraying this to the general public, such as when you are applying for a job or even pursuing a friendship. Now, apply that to the business world.

Once you’ve established your brand, marketing becomes much more effective. It will permeate through your targeted consumer audience far faster since your company and logo sign will already be associated with a certain reputation as many large brands such as Apple, Disney, and Lucky Charms do. It is then your job to expose the general population to your brand as much as possible through a variety of marketing strategies including signage, social media, and public relations in order to bring the connections to the forefront. At the forefront of things to convey to your audience when marketing is your company’s purpose or mission statement, consumer’s benefits, values and platforms, and goals. These are appealing to the general consumer population and also allow them to easily derive your personality and formulate an opinion about your brand quickly.

 Like it was stated above, you do not have complete control of your brand. Branding greatly relies on a dynamic between the company and customers in order to create the reputation on which your company will work with to market. It is your job to provide your products and services to the best of your ability while shaping how you wish to be known from the inside out. Getting your employees to buy in and understand the values and goals of your company will greatly contribute to the positive brand you wish to establish, while the opposite will produce an equally adverse effect.

Billboard Advertising

In conclusion, brand marketing is a comprehensive marketing strategy that is highly effective in developing lasting connections with the consumer population. At the core of any good marketing strategy is a strong brand name molded by both the company itself and their customers.
